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Katherine Irving, controller of Lotan Corp., is aware

CA22-4 (Analysis of Various Accounting Changes and Errors) 
Katherine Irving, controller of Lotan Corp., is aware of a pronouncement on accounting changes. After reading the pronouncement, she is confused about what action should be taken on the following items related to Lotan Corp. for the year 2014.

3.One division of Lotan Corp., Hawthorne Co., has consistently shown an increasing net income from period to period. On closer examination of its operating statement, it is noted that bad debt expense and inventory obsolescence charges are much lower than in other divisions. In discussing this with the controller of this division, it has been learned that the controller has increased his net income each period by knowingly making low estimates related to the write-off of receivables and inventory.

Katherine Irving has come to you, as her CPA, for advice about the situations above. 
Prepare a report, indicating the appropriate accounting treatment that should be given for each of these situations.

This situation is considered a correction of an error.

The general rule is that careful estimates which later 

File name: CA22-4 Katherine Irving.pptx   File type:  .pptx   PRICE: $20