FIN 370 5-6A. Present value of an annuity (Present value of an annuity) What is the present value of the following annuities?
FIN 370 5-6A. (Present value of an annuity)
5-6A. (Present value of an annuity)
Axia College of University of Phoenix (UoP)
Financial Management: Principles and Applications by Keown
Chapter Study Questions
Resource: Chapter 5
5-6A. Present value of an annuity (Present value of an annuity) What is the present value of the following annuities?
a. $2,500 a year for 10 years discounted back to the present at 7 percent
b. $70 a year for 3 years discounted back to the present at 3 percent
c. $280 a year for 7 years discounted back to the present at 6 percent
d. $500 a year for 10 years discounted back to the present at 10 percent
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FIN-370-5-6A.-Present-value-of-an-annuity.xls File type:
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